• SSRS Switch Statement

    =Switch(Fields!Orders.Value < 100,”Red”, Fields!Orders.Value > 100, “Green”) The above statement is an example on how to use the ‘Switch’ statement in SQL Server Reporting Services. This example checks the ‘Orders’ value in a row and if the value is less than 100, displays “Red”. If the value is greater than 100, then display “Green”

  • Re-seeding the Identity Value

    dbcc checkident ([table to re-seed], reseed, [value to set identity value at]) If you set the value to 0, the next inserted value will be 1

  • Importing Excel Into SQL Server Using SSIS

    I ran into an issue the other day while importing data from an Excel file into SQL Server 2005. I had columns that contained fields that have more than 255 characters. When running the import, SSIS failed because it kept truncating the fields which caused the task to fail. It fails because the Microsoft Excel…

  • Enable Remote Desktop Remotely

    This is a great tip to enable remote desktop: 1. Open the registry editor: Start –> Run –> regedit –> OK 2. Select the Connect Network Registry option under the File menu and find the machine you want to connect to. 3. Goto this key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server 4. Under the Terminal Server key, you’ll find…

  • Disable The Windows 2003 Shutdown Event Tracker

    Type ‘gpedit.msc’ at the command line Open this policy and click on ‘Disabled’ and then click ‘OK’. To force this changes instead of rebooting just open a command window and type: ‘gpupdate /f’ to force the changes.

  • Regular Expression

    To replace or insert a character at the end of any line: Find what: \n Replace with: [what ever you want]\n To insert a new line: Find what: [character to insert new line at] Replace with: \n To add characters to the beginning of each line: Find what: ^ Replace with: [whatever you want]^

  • Deleting a Service on Windows

    Sometimes services are left behind when you uninstall a program. To remove that service, just open a command prompt window and type: sc delete [service name] If you know how to work with the registry you can delete the key here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

  • SQL Keyword Search

    Here’s a quick code snippet to search through all the stored procedures in a SQL Server database for a keyword: SELECT o.object_id, o.name, SQLM.Definition FROM sys.objects o LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.SQL_modules SQLM ON o.object_id = SQLM.object_id WHERE SQLM.definition LIKE ‘%incident%User2%’ AND o.type=’P’ ORDER BY o.name Just replace the ‘SQLM.definition LIKE’ with a keyword that you…

  • Our New Addition!!!