• Download all Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using MuleSoft

    Download all Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using MuleSoft

    Here’s a quick example on how you can download all the Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using the Amazon S3 Connector.  You can see the flow and the corresponding code (minus the HTTP and Amazon S3 Configuration) below. <flow name=”s3-exampleFlow”> <http:listener config-ref=”HTTP_Listener_Configuration” path=”/bucket” doc:name=”HTTP” /> <s3:list-objects config-ref=”Amazon_S3__Configuration” bucketName=”s3-mule-bucket” doc:name=”Amazon S3 – List Objects in Bucket”…

  • Debugging DataWeave output in Studio

    One of the greatest features of Anypoint Studio is the Visual Design Debugger and often times you want to see the payload as a string during debugging. Generally using #[payload:java.lang.String] or #[message.payloadAs(java.lang.String)] does the trick. But when it comes to DataWeave, those methods don’t work if the output is anything other than ‘application/java‘ due to the…

  • Google Chrome CR-48

    I came home the other day to find a box on my doorstep. It was a pretty nondescript except for a UPS label so I had no idea where it came from or who sent it. I was pleasantly surprised to find a Google Chrome CR-48, the predecessor to the upcoming Chromebooks which are slated…

  • Document object to String object (Java Code)

    Converting a Document object to a String object in Java is an issue I’ve run into a couple times at work. I wanted to see the output of a WebService call response that was in XML in the console. Here’s a quick code snippet I found that handles this: // xmlDoc is the Document object…

  • Can Moore’s Law Continue Forever?

    I find myself waiting every so often for my computer to process a video or compile a program. And then I think back to my first computer which was a 486 DX2 and think about what it would be like to even watch a video on there and I quickly forget about the wait.

  • Terminal Server Exceeded Connections

    Since I do most of my work remotely, I use the Remote Desktop feature of Windows often. I have at least 10 different machines and often time people are using the same machines and forget to log out. What results is the common message: “The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”.…

  • My Products I Can’t Live Without (2009)

    In response to Michael Arrington’s list on TechCrunch, here’s my list of products that I can’t live without. This list is in no particular order: Google Reader – I’ve been a fan since the start and their on-going improvements never dissappoint me. Along with Google Chrome, Google Reader can’t be beat. Twitter – At first…

  • AuthSub token has wrong scope

    I was playing around with the Google Data API last night and I kept running into this error. The app I’m creating allows me to pull down a list of Google Calendars and then insert a new entry into the calendar that I select. Pulling the list was the easy part, adding a new entry…

  • SSRS Switch Statement

    =Switch(Fields!Orders.Value &lt; 100,”Red”, Fields!Orders.Value &gt; 100, “Green”) The above statement is an example on how to use the ‘Switch’ statement in SQL Server Reporting Services. This example checks the ‘Orders’ value in a row and if the value is less than 100, displays “Red”. If the value is greater than 100, then display “Green”

  • Re-seeding the Identity Value

    dbcc checkident ([table to re-seed], reseed, [value to set identity value at]) If you set the value to 0, the next inserted value will be 1