Category: Technology

  • Regular Expression

    To replace or insert a character at the end of any line: Find what: \n Replace with: [what ever you want]\n To insert a new line: Find what: [character to insert new line at] Replace with: \n To add characters to the beginning of each line: Find what: ^ Replace with: [whatever you want]^

  • Deleting a Service on Windows

    Sometimes services are left behind when you uninstall a program. To remove that service, just open a command prompt window and type: sc delete [service name] If you know how to work with the registry you can delete the key here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

  • SQL Keyword Search

    Here’s a quick code snippet to search through all the stored procedures in a SQL Server database for a keyword: SELECT o.object_id,, SQLM.Definition FROM sys.objects o LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.SQL_modules SQLM ON o.object_id = SQLM.object_id WHERE SQLM.definition LIKE ‘%incident%User2%’ AND o.type=’P’ ORDER BY Just replace the ‘SQLM.definition LIKE’ with a keyword that you…