Month: March 2016

  • Download all Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using MuleSoft

    Download all Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using MuleSoft

    Here’s a quick example on how you can download all the Objects from an Amazon S3 Bucket using the Amazon S3 Connector.  You can see the flow and the corresponding code (minus the HTTP and Amazon S3 Configuration) below. <flow name=”s3-exampleFlow”> <http:listener config-ref=”HTTP_Listener_Configuration” path=”/bucket” doc:name=”HTTP” /> <s3:list-objects config-ref=”Amazon_S3__Configuration” bucketName=”s3-mule-bucket” doc:name=”Amazon S3 – List Objects in Bucket”…

  • Debugging DataWeave output in Studio

    One of the greatest features of Anypoint Studio is the Visual Design Debugger and often times you want to see the payload as a string during debugging. Generally using #[payload:java.lang.String] or #[message.payloadAs(java.lang.String)] does the trick. But when it comes to DataWeave, those methods don’t work if the output is anything other than ‘application/java‘ due to the…